Edward Scissorhands: Close Reading

In this post, I’d like to focus on the scene in Edward Scissorhands where Peg(Dianne West) first decides to drive up to Edward’s house and attempt to sell him the Avon beauty product.  Director/Writer Tim Burton does a fantastic job in showing the contrast between Edward and the rest of the people of the town.  Once Peg first see’s Edward’s house in her rear-view mirror, there is a wide shot view of the houses in the neighborhood.  All the houses, car’s, and clothes of the people in the town are all very similar pastel colors.  As Peg drives up to Edward’s house, his house is black and is perched upon a hill.  The difference of color between Edward’s house and the rest of the town, depicts the difference between Edward’s character and that of the rest of the town.

Once we finally see Edward, he has pale skin and dark black clothes on.  I think that color play’s a huge role in the depiction of Edward’s character.  Not only does Edward’s dark house and clothing make him different from the rest of the town, but it also gives in to Edward’s threatening persona.  I think that Edward’s different characteristics make it difficult for his character to become accepted within the town.  Surprisingly, Edward was accepted rather quick within the town, but it did not take long for his acceptance to take a spiral.  I personally think that director Tim Burton did an excellent job in using color to show the differentiation between Edward’s character and the rest of the town.

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